Friday 21 May 2021

owairaka Pink shirt day

 Its pink shirt day this week we have our focus is to be kind to one and others. I love to see my family our friends being kind each other or me because it shows appreciation. 


    • sharing with others 
    • listen to others 
    • everyone is cared for as well as animals 
    • be appreciated 
    • kind
    • include others through out games/activity
    • learn other peoples skills or learn about there culture  
    • its okay to be shy or scared people will appreciate
These are the key things to look out for. 

Thank you!                                                                                                    


  1. Kia Ora Miller, I really like your blog post about kindness. I notice you went beyond the task and wrote eight ideas! This is excellent work! Great job!

  2. Hi my name is Kaito from Room 7. I like your blog post because it has a description about pink shirt day. I couldn't find anything in my wardrobe that was pink! Since boys don't really wear pink normally. Did you know that pink shirt day is because someone in canada got bullied for wearing a pink shirt?
    Question: Did you wear anything pink?

  3. Hi Miller, Sakina here. I really like your post and I like how you described about it, I didn't have that much pink in my closet so I wore something with a bit of pink on it. What's your favorite colour? Blog ya later, Sakina.
