Wednesday 9 June 2021


 We have finished our blue Vein cheese costume for the production we made a group of people in the class the people in our group were Issa, luka  and me. It took a while to get the right colur but we pulled off our skills into making the colur right. Here is a pic of the costume finished.


So we put a green mold layer over the plain cardboard and we mixed blue,yellow and white. Then after it had dried we put the veins over the top with light and dark blue paint. Then we waited for it to dry again and we put a white and yellow mixed paint over the top. Next thing we need to do is put the ribbon around the top of the costume and then we will be finished for the production next week!.

                                                             PLACE IN PLAY
We are in the first scene in the play. our background is a fridge full of food items. We making costumes that aren't necessarily going to be our costumes that we wear. For example I am making the Blue Vein Cheese but I am wearing a broccoli costume.


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  2. wow miller it looks the same cheese in real life it looks so cool!!
