Wednesday 29 September 2021

Tuesday 28 September 2021

My Dream Home Project

 Kia ora here is my <"Dream Home/ Miller's Dream Home"> called COUNTRY SIDE CARPY my dream home. Here are the pictures.

Hope you like It Blog ya' later!

Monday 27 September 2021

Clip's of Melbourne

 Kia 'Ora mates! this is Aussie In Melbourne also Known as "Graffiti Town" because there is graffiti everywhere ya' look. Here is a picture.

Here is A picture of a cute but strange noised Koala!.

And A Cockatoo Swoping right over us!.

Here is me and my foc's at the "Great Ocean Road" with a King parrot on my arm Funny don't ya' think!.

Yahooo! here he comes the Wallaby! here is the picture.

Blog ya' later Guys!

Tuesday 21 September 2021

flower presser

 Kia ora' guy's Here is my flower presser that I got for my 10th birthday.

It use's a few layers of cardboard and special paper to press the flower's and also the cool thing is that the flowers are flat when you press them and there color stays! It's so cool. you can use the flowers for a neclace or something like that! Wow what a cool thing right. Here is the flower's 

Blog ya' later!


 Hi guy's this is a post about my drawings that I do. I am a good artist partly because of my dad being a creative director and because my mum is a Jeweler what they are based off usually is Free roaming art facial features such as portrait drawing's and much more!. here are a few portrait and free flowing face-like features. here are some free flow drawing's that I had done.

drawing of-Miller age 51 guessing age drawing

Rockstar drawing-Close up guitar-crowd in background 

Blog ya' later!

Thursday 16 September 2021


 Kia ora I got Minecraft yesterday on my B day so went to some secret places such as the "Hidden Aqua Relm" it was under water And there was a chest i opened it up and got an 'Enchanted Golden Helmet and A Enchanted Golden Shovel. Then I tested my new armor it was good! Then I spent a while flying to look for some nice villagers and a village. I did find one that all the houses where two toned Orange it was quite strange I found some more thing's in chest's at that village but there wasn't anything good apart from a 'Gold nugget. then i found a big storm I had to go (Creative mode) It was a long journey until I spotted something but what? I went down and had a close look at it' it was a old Teleport! I ran out of 'Flint and steel so I had to go but there was another chest that gave Me 'Enchanted golden Armor and a Enchanted golden Sword And A 'Enchanted golden Axe! I was exited But i had to keep moving ford so I did A came across another village but in the mountian's there where Zombie Villagers eveywhere! I just ignored them and moved on the the chests I got 4 golden Carotts and some seed's and stuff like that. Then I made a teleport With 4 across 'Obbsidian and 6 up 4 across again and 6 down then i found my flint and steel and BOOM a teleport appered i went to a lava world with heaps of tree's and endermen's Could you guy's tell me what that place is called then I found worthog people and broke in to there castel and got a chest and I got a 'Enchanted dimond picaxe!!! and bow that's enchanted and dimond! as well! can you please also tell me what the golden just a bow dose Thank's

Biologist Natives {NZ}

Kia ora guy's! I will be giving you a bit of good life lasting information about plant's such as our New Zealand Natives;- (NZ Feild guide): Turepo,Milk Tree This Widespread species exudes a lovely nice milky juice from any damaged branchlets or leaves. Like several species of New Zealand native tree's, Streblus heterophyllus has a distance twiggy juvenile form. It will sometimes hybridise with S. Banksii where the two species occur together.  
That was about Turepo The Milk  that forms from it is a certain Medicine. Search more with the "Feild guide To New Zealand's native tree's". Blog ya' later! (Miller)

Wednesday 15 September 2021

Volcanoes #8 Task


Volcanoes #7 Task


Volcanoes #6 Task


Volcanoes #5 task


Task #4 volconoes


Eldrador real life!


Here is my Eldrador creatures that I've got right now "Wed Sep 15" The ice dragon and fire bull 

I got for my tenth Birthday yesterday on "Sep 14". The two lava creatures on the right hand side 

are the Fire Bull & Lava dragon. They where related to the volcano work we had to do which mean's 

the Fire Bull I know about quite a lot!. Then there is the Ice Dragon, Monster Gorilla, Shadow Panther, Stone Monster and that's It for now hope you like 'em!.

Here is the close up of my Fire Bull!

Blog ya' later!

My Acrostic poem GIF


Here is my Acrostic poem GIF/Stop-motion hope you like it!
My word was ERUPTION because it was related to Volcanoes!.

Blog ya' later

Monday 13 September 2021

My haiku poem

Blog ya' later

Thursday 9 September 2021

Toca BOO!

 Kia ora' guys! I play this fun game called (toca boo!) it's a really fun game so your a little ghost and there is a family (All animated not scary!) and they are walking around there haunted house its pretty dark and there are 5 people in the family:

  • The baby with his blank'y
  • The ten age boy with a iPhone 
  • Then there's a big mum with a dressing gown on
  • Then a grandpa that coughs a lot with a walking stick
  • And finally the two girls with teddy bears (That are super annoying!)
So that's the family and they all have different things they do when you scare them! There is also food and drinks that the ghost can eat here are the edible things:

  • Some strange blueberry looking thing that makes you fart!
  • Next up a bottle of soda that makes you shoot out bubbles 
  • And last but not least the Chili! that makes your eye's look like a demon and you move your slithery fire tongue!
Next up there's the 20 hiding spots! and the two pets such as:

  • The headless dog
  • and the goofy snake
And the best part of the house is the rooms! there are 3 floors in the haunted house (It's more like a mansion)

and last of all you can turn the lights ON and OFF and when you walk to the doors it will be highlighted and then you move through the doors.

Watch out for the 7:00$ symbol that's how much it costs 

Thanks! Blog ya' later! (Miller) 

Thursday 2 September 2021

Eldrador Creatures

Kia ora! Here is my Eldrador slide please have a look. Thanks!

Wednesday 1 September 2021