Tuesday 21 September 2021

flower presser

 Kia ora' guy's Here is my flower presser that I got for my 10th birthday.

It use's a few layers of cardboard and special paper to press the flower's and also the cool thing is that the flowers are flat when you press them and there color stays! It's so cool. you can use the flowers for a neclace or something like that! Wow what a cool thing right. Here is the flower's 

Blog ya' later!


  1. Hi Millar, Jarvis from room 8 I am loving your post, I think it is awesome.
    I have never tried flower pressing maybe once we are out of lockdown you can teach me
    Are you liking lockdown?
    Blog ya later

  2. Kia ora Miller, that is super cool! I am amazed at how colourful the flowers are after being pressed. How long do you have to press them for?
    Kia pai tō rā. (Have a good day.)

  3. Kia ora Miller. Coco here from room 8!
    First of all, Happy birthday! and lastly I love the flower press!
    What have you been up to in lock-down?
    blog ya later!
